Portable Charger converts a 220Vac/380Vac voltage into DC voltage to directly charge an electric vehicle's lithium ion battery. It is the ideal final solution for EV long trip, road travel and emergency. In addition, the charger utilizes a CHAdeMO/CCS compliant communications protocol and power connector.
Vehicle Charger / Car Charger / Electronic / Charging Stations / Setec / Savings / . Portable Charger 10kW from Saturn Pyro is the best available in Malaysia. High performance and cost effective Power Energy Meter with 4-quadrant measurement (consumption and generation). Suitable for Medium or Low voltage installations, in both 3 or 4-wire three-phase circuits, two-phase circuits with or without neutral, single-phase circuits or ARON connections. Available in Penang, KL, Selangor, Johor, Sabah, Sarawak & anywhere in Malaysia & Singapore.
Pengecas Kenderaan / Pengecas Kereta / Elektronik / Stesen Pengecasan / Setec / Penjimatan /. Portable Charger 10kW dari Saturn Pyro adalah yang terbaik di Malaysia. Prestasi tinggi dan kos tenaga Tenaga Tenaga yang berkesan dengan pengukuran 4-kuadran (penggunaan dan generasi). Sesuai untuk pemasangan voltan sederhana atau rendah, dalam litar tiga fasa 3 atau 4-wayar, litar dua fasa dengan litar fasa tunggal atau ARON atau tanpa neutral neutral. Boleh didapati di Pulau Pinang, KL, Selangor, Johor, Sabah, Sarawak & di mana sahaja di Malaysia & Singapura.
Inquiry - Portable Charger - 10kW